Congratulations to Lawley and Michael from the City of Cockburn Libraries for their first podcast, "Stepping Stones to the Past", a talk on genealogy. At first I tried to listen to it but couldn't download it. Maybe there should be some information on the page telling how you download an MP3 file. Not everyone has RealPlayer or similar or is even familiar with the term podcasting. Radio National has a good page on Podcasting Help.
The talk was very interesting and I was surprised by the good sound quality. The only shortfall was when Mike was talking about the birth certificates, death entries and census forms. Seeing the forms would have added another dimension to the talk. Many oral histories have the same problem when the interviewee is describing a photo on the recording. Maybe a screencast would have been more effective in this situation?
Anyway a fantastic first effort.
A Vodcast or Videocast would have been great. Most people prefer having the visual dimension - then we could see Mike and the forms.